
Wednesday 4 September 2024

Walk around KGV with Jim

With Suzanne needing some bed rest today and the father in law sorted I headed over to KGV with Jim this morning where we walked the full circuit.

On south basin we found a juvenile Black Tern along with the usual gulls and ducks. Two Turnstone were picked up on the bank along with at least ten Common Sandpipers at various points along south basin one of which was a very washed out leucistic individual. 91 Cormorants flew in and dropped onto north basin and Tufted Duck numbers are building as are Shoveler. We added Teal, Gadwall, Pochard, Mallard and Shelduck to the days duck list plus Mute Swan, Canada and Egyptian Geese. Little and Great-crested Grebe were seen along with the expected large numbers of Coot. A Raven flew over mobbed by Crows and Jackdaws and a Kestrel was the only raptor seen today. As we walked back along west bank we spotted first two then three Wheatear and briefly a female type Common Redstart. 
More Common Sandpipers were seen on North Basin with an estimate of at least thirteen birds trying not to double count any. 

Common Redstart and two Wheatear (record shot!)



Egyptian Goose


The day count on the reservoir reached 58 before Jim mentioned the Spotted Crake at Dagenham chase which we then duly dipped. (We did spot a few local birders tho Paul H, Marco, Sam P, Gary W. Oh and added Snipe x 6 Green Sandpiper x2, Little ringed Plover, Lapwing, Water Rail and Buzzard to the days list which now totalled 64)

Popped in to check on the father in law then headed home to cook dinner for Suzanne. 
year list still 231

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