
Monday 23 September 2024

Lesser Grey Shrike at Tollesbury Essex

News came late yesterday of a Lesser Grey Shrike at Tollesbury in Essex whilst I was busy cooking a family dinner for six so I couldn't find a way to escape. This morning I dropped my grandson at school and with news that the Shrike was still there I set off up the A12 to Tollesbury arriving a little before 10am. A quick catch up with Dave who was on his way back to the car park and I strolled on down to join the three birders remaining one of which was Mike O. so another good catch up. The bird was sat at the very top of the large distant oak but showed well in the scope. By the time I left another twenty or so birders had arrived including several locals adding to the social side of the tick.

The Lesser Grey Shrike is my 281st species in Essex and my 237th species for Britain so far this year.
The bird is the fourth Lesser Grey Shrike ever recorded in Essex and the first since 2008 (Rentendon 10-11th Oct. The other two recorded are Old Hall Marsh 26th June - 5th July and Great Wakering 17th -27th August.

Lesser-grey Shrike in that oak tree.

Red Crested Pochard

Red Crested Pochard

In other news I popped over the KGV with Jim in the week where we both added Red-crested Pochard to the list of birds seen at KGV although we've both seen them in the valley before.
We counted 55 species in the hour walk with Lesser Whitethroat, Wigeon and Common Sandpipers the best of them. The Red crested Pochard takes my KGV list to 105.......I know! I do love a list 🤷‍♂️

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