
Sunday 18 August 2024

Canvasback back at Abberton

The Canvasback that wintered at Abberton in Essex from 11th November 2023 until 7th January 2024  returned to the reservoir on 11th August. I managed a distant scope view of it last year but failed to see it this year before it left on 7th January despite having a go.

The bird has returned with a small flock of Pochard and with the water level high on the main reservoir it has chosen to reside in the centre body of water between the causeways. On arrival we located the bird very easily lucky that JP and ST put us on the general area the bird had last been seen. The bird was constantly diving to feed and remained quite distant but after a couple of hours it motored through the water towards the causeway below us and climbed out onto the bank to preen revealing it's heavy molt. It gave fantastic views for the next hour or so before we left with it now sleeping on the bank.

On this visit we also noted three Spoonbill, a fly over Cattle Egret and another on a nest, at least eleven Great Egrets, Green Sandpiper, two Common Sandpipers, a juvenile Little ringed Plover, several juvenile Common Terns, a Red Kite, a very early Wigeon amongst the mixed flock of Shoveler, Tufted and Pochard.

year list now 226 and just nine required to beat my worst year ever.

juvenile Little ringed Plover

juvenile Common Tern

juvenile Common Tern

juvenile Common Tern

juvenile Little ringed Plover

A lovely few hours watching the reservoir, chatting and grabbing the above images.

Tart ticks missed so far this year...Dipper, Puffin, Pied Flycatcher, Red Grouse, FIRECREST!, any shearwaters, SNOW BUNTING, Black Guillemot, Ring-necked Duck and Hooded Crow (these my top ten target species this year according to Bubo) I've not see a Skua yet this year or a Chough with limited time on the coast. Little Stint is way down the list but one I do expect to see this autumn so a few targets if I'm to challenge that low total of 234 (my lowest ever since I started year listing)

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