
Saturday 6 July 2024

Great spot in the garden

Every year I see Great spotted Woodpeckers in the garden, they breed close by and every year the young birds drop in for a feed. This year is no different with the first young bird appearing over the last couple of days to feast on the peanuts I provide. 

I really do value the diversity in the garden and when it's difficult getting out birding at least I this fix at home. Yesterday alone in the pouring rain I had the following birds in the garden. (Highest counts actually in the garden at any one time together)

1 Greater spotted Woodpecker, 5 Greenfinch, 9 Goldfinch, a Dunnock, 3 Blackbirds, 3 Collared Dove, 6 Woodpigeon, 5 Feral Pigeon, 34 House Sparrow, 42 Starling, 3 Robin, 4 Magpie, 2 Jackdaw, 3 Parakeet. 6 Blue Tit and 5 Great Tits.

Add the fly overs .... 1 Cormorant, 3 Swift, Lesser Black-backed and Herring Gulls, a Kestrel and a Red Kite.

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