
Tuesday 3 January 2023

Red-necked Grebe at KGV

I met the Jims at KGV reservoir this morning and with work still being carried out on the east bank we had to walk the long way around south basin towards the north. Jim had already found the Red-necked Grebe when I arrived and I had a fly over Grey Wagtail before we'd started off on our walk.

Red necked Grebe on KGV

Greenfinch gave me another year tick and the Jims added Pochard, Jackdaw, Canada Goose and Grey Heron to their lists. Jim then scoped a drake Scaup amongst the Tufties and I pointed out Little Grebes which they still needed this year. As we got to north basin the heavens opened and gave us a good soaking but we did see a drake Goosander before turning back to walk into the rain and home. We failed to score Black Redstart, Slav Grebe or Gt Northern Diver which were all seen yesterday but I got Jimmy onto a loafing Common Gull for another 2023 tick. The day was pretty much a wash out so any further ticks will have to wait.

A Black-necked Grebe has been reported on the Girling but it's not easy to scan that reservoir especially in todays grim conditions.

year list now 97

A return visit on 4th gave me another fur year ticks....Black Redstart on the fence along the west bank, Peregrine through, Slav Grebe and Great Northern Diver on the north Basin. The Red -necked Grebe showed again on south Basin.

Red necked Grebe

Red necked Grebe

Red necked Grebe

Red necked Grebe

Year list now 101

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