
Thursday 26 January 2023

finding time

Somehow I'm finding time to get some birding in despite my growing family commitments. I doubt this will continue for long but I'm enjoying it all the same and living in the moment for now.

Today I had a couple of spare hours so popped over to the Bittern hide at the valley stopping on the way to check Strawberry pond and to year tick Mandarin duck. I found 22 birds on the small pond with 20 Mallard and a few Moorhen. I took a few quick images and continued my short  journey through the forest to the valley. At the hide I enjoyed good views of the Bittern as it caught a couple of small Perch and then a large Tench. Outside the hide I found a female Kingfisher and watched her fish for a while and Dave told me of a drake Smew on Seventy Acre so I connected with that too although it was a bit distant for my 400mm lens.

Year list now 145

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