
Wednesday 18 January 2023


We've been trying to get to Dunge since 2nd January but my family commitments have prevented us travelling but on 15th January we decided to make the effort in a rare window where my diary was clear enough of caring/babysitting/school runs and general home work.

We set off early arriving at Dunge for first light and set about a sea watch in very strong south westerlies. None of the locals had braved the head on winds. Lot's of Gannets, Kittiwakes and Auks delivered our first year ticks and a continuous movement of gulls failed to deliver anything of note. Large numbers of Cormorants moved through but little else apart from a couple of Teal and a few Red throated Divers.

At ARC pit the Jims had a fly in Bittern which I missed and with water levels really high there were no waders to scan just a large raft of ducks which held nothing unusual. At Boulderwall farm we found a Glossy Ibis and a pair of Raven feeding on a carcase. 

Glossy Ibis

Glossy Ibis

Kestrel at ARC

At Scotney we ticked the feral Barnacle Geese before a drive around Walland marsh were we found 34 Bewicks and a small distant herd along with 3 Whooper Swans.

On the way home we gave the Pallas's Warbler at Swalecliffe a go and managed to hear it but failed to see it. On the beach we searched for a reported Purple Sandpiper but failed. During the search we year ticked Ringed Plover with over 50 birds present along with Dunlin, Sanderling, Redshank, Oystercatchers and Turnstone.

Year list now 132

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