
Thursday 8 December 2022

Wallasea Island

Today was a free day, a luxury I've not enjoyed much of late so after a few calls to the Jims and Rob with no interest in a day out I set off alone down the A127 to Wallasea Island.

I arrived at lunchtime and walked out to the far east corner of the reserve hoping to find a Hen Harrier and I eventually found one possibly two ring-tailed birds quartering the far field with three Marsh Harriers. On the walk back I flushed a Hare which in turn flushed a Short-eared Owl. The Owl quartered the islands for a while but was constantly harassed by a Kestrel so eventually moved off towards the car park area but not before giving me a quick chance of a few pics as it flew passed.


As I continued, I had brief views of another Hen Harrier (probably the same bird or one of the two I'd seen earlier) and a Spoonbill flew over. The estuary held thousands of waders that gave a few nice displays as they were spooked by a guy driving along the sea wall and no doubt some raptor activity.

At the car park I found a Dartford Warbler in the brambles by the portaloo but the view was brief and despite a good search I couldn't relocate it. Corn Buntings and Skylarks were seen along with a couple of Stonechat but despite waiting until around 3.45pm I didn't see another Owl.

It was great to be out again and nice to bump into a couple of locals for a catch up too.


  1. So envious. Waited around on the previous Saturday looking for a Shortie - what time did you see yours?

  2. sorry for the late reply....only saw one owl and only for a few minutes early afternoon.
