
Thursday 29 September 2022

Blue-winged Teal at Fairlop waters ESSEX

News broke yesterday of a Blue-winged Teal at Fairlop water along with the usual (can't rule out Cinnamon Teal or hybrid) caveat. I thought I'd pop over today and have a look but then this morning it was reported as having clipped wings so my enthusiasm understandably waned until it was reported again at lunch time "fully winged".  On the second report I set off with the Jims as Fairlop is only a couple of miles away, we were there in a few minutes, and I noticed three birders with scopes/cameras set up so we headed for them hoping they knew where the Blue-winged Teal was. Andy T, Russ S and another greeted us and did indeed have the bird in their scopes.

The bird sat on the bank of the centre island of the main lake and did take a short walk before briefly swimming for a bit of a feed. The bird has a limp but definitely has two full wings and appeared to be un-ringed. The large white bar in the wings between the blue and green would indicate that it's a male and the dull sandy colour of the legs would indicate that it's a juvenile bird.

It remained distant and wary and all points to a wild bird. It was first reported as a possible Cinnamon Teal so this doubt remains but if accepted it would be an Essex tick for me so I'm pleased I put in the small effort to go and see it.

Egyptian Goose

Egyptian Goose

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