
Sunday 3 July 2022

Half year review

Well my time birding may be restricted some this year but I've still managed a half decent six months with 221 year ticks and FIVE life ticks.

The Belted Kingfisher made the life list some five months after its that's casual twitching!

Belted Kingfisher at Roach Bridge

Whilst in the area we diverted to add Snow Goose with what I consider my best candidate for a wild bird.

Yeah that white dot is a Snow Goose

American Robin 

The American Robin was a much anticipated bird for me and I enjoyed two visits to see it down in East Sussex only a couple of hours from home.

The Eleonora's Falcon at Worth marsh in Kent

Eleonora's Falcon was on my dipped list after I tried for the Winterton bird without any joy, a twitch I new was destined for failure before I left home but such is the bird I had to try. I had much better luck with the bird that lingered at Worth spending two days watching it.

Lastly I added the Sardinian pictures of this one from Kent which I spent a few hours with hearing it for much of the time but seeing it in flight only and very briefly. One of my most disappointing and reluctant ticks. Hopefully I'll see the next one a little better.

The first half of 2022 has also given me good views of the Bee Eaters in Norfolk and a couple of local Hoopoes worth mentioning along with the recent Honey Buzzards in Norfolk.

So all things considered a decent return for the limited time available and the life list now reaches 431 

I still have one eye on a day out at Bempton hoping that the Shrike remains for a while longer and that the Albatross might bless me with another sighting this year.

Onwards and upwards

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