
Friday 3 June 2022

Another visit to Worth to see Nora

I was lucky to get another free day today and picked Worth as my destination. I stopped at Oare on the way down as I was under the impression that I couldn't get into Worth until 8am. A quick walk out to the hide and back delivered just the two year ticks with my first Barn Owl of 2022 and a very distant Turtle Dove. Lot's of Stock Dove at Oare this year but it was otherwise very quiet. I thought I might have picked up Little Tern here but sadly it wasn't to be on this visit. I left Oare and made the short drive down to Worth arriving at 7.45 to find the car park had been open since 6am which was a bit disappointing as I could have arrived earlier if I'd known. 

A walk around to the back of the wood and I found a group of birders already watching the Eleonora's Falcon. The bird showed really well between 8 and 10am before drifting high and out of sight. The Red-footed Falcon showed well too but remained a little distant. Nora returned at lunch time and spent the next couple of hours hawking high over the Great wood. Whilst waiting I checked every Buzzard that came over and there were a few but I somehow missed the single Honey Buzzard that flew over the car park at lunch time. I did get onto a very distant White Stork which was more of the blob by the time I picked it up after a shout from the guys further down the line as it  flew south around 2pm  over the farm towards Sandwich. As I left I dropped a few coins in the collection wellie by the car park and made the journey home without hold up but on checking news services I did notice that the Golden Oriole was seen twice after I left.

year list now 215

Sedge Warbler at Oare

A splendid day in good company watching what will no doubt be the bird of the year

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