
Wednesday 20 April 2022

Thursley Common to see Colin the Cuckoo

I took Rob down to Thursley Common today to see if we could connect with Colin the Cuckoo who I'm told is now into his eighth year returning to the same patch on the common. 


We arrived early, got a little lost trying to find the field but managed to get there before Colin.

Woodlarks visited the feeding station as did a pair of Stonechat and the group of admirers build from the three present when we arrived to a peak of around thirty or so. Common Redstart were in the field but never came close and then around 9am Colin made his first appearance. He hung around for a few minutes before leaving to go about his business of finding a partner.



An hour or so went by and he returned for a second feed giving the cameras another work out and he even sat on one of the prop branches and called which was great to watch. When he left we left and the walk back to the car gave us good views of several Dartford Warblers and a smart male Redstart. 

Dartford Warbler


A wonderful morning at a wonderful place. 

Year list now 199


  1. Sounds wonderful. Could you give any guidance on where to look for him? Will be visiting Thursley in June

  2. Check local maps for Parish field that's where he has been feeding but usually only visits for a few minutes a day so it can involve a long wait. Thursley is a lovely place to visit tho so I'm sure you'll enjoy it with it without Colin

  3. Thanks for the info. I agree Thursley sounds lovely anyway. I take it early morning (7am-ish?) is best?

  4. yeah a nice early visit would be nice
