
Tuesday 22 March 2022

White-tailed Lapwing at Frampton RSPB

 March has been a strange month with just a single trip out until today. I made the short trip upto Cambridgeshire earlier in the month and had a very brief flight view of the Duxford Hoopoe before seeing the Yellow-browed Warbler at Milton CP. 

Then the birth of my second grandchild diverted my attention and filled a good few days leading upto the birth and beyond. I have a grandson who's almost four and this time my son and daughter in law delivered a granddaughter. My younger son and his wife are also expecting a child so by this time next month I'll be a very proud grandfather of three grandchildren. 

With a break in my responsibilities today saw me heading up the M11 arriving at Frampton around 7.30am. We had a tip off that the White-tailed Plover was showing from East hide so headed in that direction first and the WTP was indeed showing well and out on quite a show allowing me to grab some nice images of this rare visitor.

Also from the hide we picked out three Little Stint and a couple of Little-ringed Plovers to add year ticks.

A walk along the sea wall gave brief views of a probable very early Whimbrel and looking back over the reserve from the wall Jim picked out a Spotted Redshank for a year tick and I found two Garganey whilst generally scanning the pools. 

The weather was great and the reserve was full of great birds which provided a terrific days birding.

Year list now 171

and the grandkids.........

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