
Monday 28 February 2022

Minsmere RSPB

We travelled up the A12 to Minsmere yesterday hoping to connect with the long stating Lesser Yellowlegs and we got lucky when we jammed straight onto it at first light although views were distant in the scope so no pictures. A smart pair of Smew entertained me for a while as did a Stonechat in the dunes but in the strong blustery winds the Dartfords were much more difficult, Dad had a brief in flight view and Jimmy heard one but I didn't get a sniff.


A walk around to the Bittern hide gave good although distant views of several displaying Marsh Harriers and a single Bittern was put up by passing Red Deer. At the Sand Martin bank we enjoyed watching two Adders but views weren't great as they remained mostly hidden in the bracken.



Marsh Harrier

Red deer


A second walk around the reserve failed to get better views of the Lesser Yellowlegs although I did get a very brief view of what I thought was the bird as it flew from South scrape towards Lucky pool where it was reported again later.

A stop off at Landguard on the way back down the A12 gave another year tick with a couple of Purple Sandpipers at the point although photography was difficult with the harsh lighting conditions. Back at the car park by the cafe a spotted a couple of Med Gulls both ringed by what I think is the North Thames ringing group. The rings weren't easy to read but one looked to have the number 2722 on it so I've sent it in hoping to learn a little more of it if possible.

Med Gull

Med Gull

Med Gull 2722

Purple Sandpiper at Landguard

Year list now 164 (3 above my Jan/Feb averages for the last decade)

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