
Wednesday 5 January 2022

Local day at Lee Valley and Epping forest

The Jims called and asked if I'd like to bird locally with them  and of course I did so we made our way to Lee Valley where a walk down to the farm eventually delivered three year ticks when we found five Brambling in the large Chaffinch flock feeding on the set aside. A small mixed flock of Fieldfare and Redwing gave the next year ticks and the Jims picked up another with five Red-legged Partridge.

A walk around Seventy Acre lake gave just the one tick with Water rail. We couldn't find the Smew but did connect with the very smart plastic Silver Wood duck. The new discovery centre was busy but there was no sign of Bittern. I've voiced this before but why would you spend all that money building a visitor centre that looks out directly into the sun all day long, it really frustrates me that this wasn't considered and I know it's not all about birders or photographers and that it's set up for children to learn but it's just in the wrong place.

We stopped on the way home to walk Epping Forest and added Treecreeper, Nuthatch, Song Thrush, Jay and Mandarin to the year list which now stands at 98 after this mornings local Stock Dove and Great-spotted Woodpecker.

Grey Heron


Silver Wood Duck

Wood duck

Wood duck

Wood Duck

Wood duck



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