
Friday 7 January 2022

Little Bunting at Bexley in London

Todays outing took us down the A2 to Bexley where a Little Bunting has been wintering for the last couple of weeks. On arrival Gary H. pointed us in the right direction and further down the track Geoff K. reinforced the route and we had a nice catch up. The bird was exactly where they'd said and we enjoyed fabulous views as the bird picked grass seeds from the muddy footpath without any concern for the people around it. I added Siskin to my year list as a small flock flew over before I left.

The Little Bunting is a right little poser but had chosen a dark little corner to feed in today so photography was challenging. 

Year list now 105

Little Bunting

Little Bunting

Little Bunting

Little Bunting

Little Bunting

Little Bunting

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