
Saturday 3 July 2021

BOU list now sits at 626

 With three new additions the BOU list now sits at 626

The additions all from sightings last year are

Ruby-crowned Kinglet (On Barra from 12th to 27th November)

Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (a relative crowd pleaser on Tiree from 15th to 23rd September 2020)

White-chinned Petrel (seen by one person walking on a beach in Orkney on 25th May 2020)

Interestingly the much twitched Paddyfield Pipit has as yet not been accepted by BOU as a wild vagrant.

The list now breaks down as such

Category A    608    (RECORDED IN THE WILD SINCE 1950)

Category B        8    (RECORDED IN THE WILD PRIOR TO 1950)


Follow the below link to the article by BOU

Changes to the British List (30 June 2021) - British Ornithologists' Union (

The eight species in Category B are......

Ruddy Shelduck

Red-necked Nightjar

Eskimo Curlew

Great-black-headed Gull

Great Auk

White-faced Storm Petrel

Egyptian Vulture (Which finally looks set to be moved to Cat A after this years Scilly bird)

Spotted Eagle


The Ten species sitting in Category C are......

Egyptian Goose


Ruddy Duck


Red-legged Partridge


Golden Pheasant

Lady Amherst's Pheasant

Little Owl

Ring-necked Parakeet

As for me well I've seen 423 of the 626 (67%)  so I have 203 still to connect with should any turn up again in a twitchable range.

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