
Saturday 17 April 2021

White Stork at Hall marsh scrape

A White Stork was seen late on Wednesday evening at Hall marsh scrape and it was too late for me to make the short journey but on Thursday I was on site as is usual very early at first light and the Stork was still there having roosted on the marsh. The bird was un-ringed but does have some damage to one wing which looks to have been clipped at some point. Whatever the credentials it was lovely to see such a smart bird on the marsh and it'll form part of my years list noted to reflect the likely hood of it being an escaped or released bird. (I'm a bit fussier with life ticks 👀)

White Stork

White Stork

White Stork

Cetti's Warbler

The Garganey sleeping 

The Garganey remains on site and a White-fronted Goose was noted by a visitor but I haven't noticed this bird as of yet. I'll look harder on my next visit. Lot's of Sedge and Cetti's Warblers now singing along with the many Whitethroat, Blackcaps and Chiffchaff but I'm still to hear a Willow Warbler.

Year list now 152

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