
Saturday 20 March 2021

Still walking still waiting

I'm still walking the valley each morning and I'm still waiting for that first spring migrant to arrive.

Yesterday I found a few winter birds lingering on the patch, Wigeon, White-fronted Geese and Redwings to name a few. On Hall marsh I saw nine Snipe but guess there were many more hidden in the reeds. I counted 35 Shoveler at Hall marsh and also saw them on many of the smaller pools around the park. The Cattle Egret and Great White Egret are still around and I had two pairs of Raven yesterday one early over Hall marsh calling as they moved towards Cornmill meadow followed by another pair (or the same pair) by the power station not far from Holyfield lake. Six Buzzard and a Sparrowhawk circled over the distant hills and the dung heap continued to attract Wagtails, Linnets, Pipits and Chiffchaff. A Kingfisher was seen as I walked the river towards Grebe Hide and a couple of Treecreepers entertained me for a while before my attention was drawn to a couple of Wrens having a right old sing off from across the river. I managed a few nice images of the bird on my side as it continued to sing to its rival.

The Wren (the UK's third smallest bird)










Still no Yellowhammer and still nothing new in except a pair of Oystercatchers on the small island on Holyfield lake.

Oystercatchers not seen before today

Year list now 113 
Just over a week now until the second phase of release from this winter of lockdown which should allow for some travel to different places and get the year list going again.
My ten year average is 274 and I'd be delighted to rescue anything like that in this crazy year.

I should also note that I haven't seen the Owls since Tuesday although I didn't look today. Have they finally gone after almost five months in the park?

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