
Sunday 28 February 2021

Local birding helping me through lockdown

No new birds to report since the Velvet Scoters and Great Egret of the last week but I am thankful for the local green spaces that are helping me get through this long depressing lockdown. I have tried hard to remain local and sticking to the Lee Valley area of Fishers Green and Gunpowder Park a couple of miles from home but I long for a little more freedom with places like Great Amwell, Rainham and Rye Meads just beyond what I'd consider local. I'm geared up for the first lifting of restrictions on 29th March and plan a day at the coast come rain or shine so I can once again enjoy the passing sea birds like Gannet, Diver, Auks and Skuas but for now I continue to maintain my well being with good levels of exercise walking the park and enjoying the start of another breeding season.

Year list still just 111

Male Tufted Duck

Female Tufted Duck

Red Head Smew

Apologies for this one....not a fan of the Owl on a stick pic

Much nicer to see it flying

Kingfisher on the river behind the Bittern hide

Grebes getting ready to pair up and start nest building

Chasing a Coot 


Great White Egret at Gunpowder park

Great White

The new Bittern hide (might be a while before Bitterns return though after the build)

In other news I have my first Covid-19 booked for tomorrow morning!

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