
Sunday 13 December 2020

The birds of Essex

I've tried to list below all the birds outside the lifers on a previous post that have occurred in Essex but they don't form part of my 266 Essex ticks.

Some I should have seen and probably will with a little more effort on my part in coming years others will probably never grace the county again.

All of the above have occurred in Essex  but I'm yet to see them in the county 
(last appearance indicated included this years sightings as most are no longer BBRC rares)

(NB: I've since added Little Bunting and Dusky Warbler to my Essex list as seen in the met area which comes within the recording area...Essex list increased to 266)

Some very good birds have graced the county with an appearance (last appearance indicated)

Looking back on some very good records
On the left those still possible on the right not so much.

I'll try at some point to compile a total list of the 390 birds seen in Essex 

(and double check I'm right on the number of 390)

It's been interesting reviewing these historical records with sources ranging from the BBRC and the fantastic "Birds of Essex" by Simon Wood which I highly recommend to anybody with the slightest interest in the county.


  1. Interesting posts Brian. Have you put your Essex list on Bubo? My Northumberland List is now the most important to me. I also keep a British and local patch list but I do like the county twitches...

  2. Thanks for the comment Stewart, yes I have my Essex list on Bubo
    I think as I get older the Essex list will become more important to me but I do find interest in the overall Essex records.
