
Saturday 26 December 2020

Best pics of 2020

 A few birding images from the year that was 2020 and may we never have another like it.

Black-throated Thrush that wintered in Whipsnade park

The Lammergeier in the Peak District

Bearded Vulture in Lincs

Caspian Gull in London

Cirl Bunting in Devon

Cormorant in Valentines Park Ilford

Desert Wheatear at Cart Gap

Local Foxes

Great Crested Grebe chicks at Lee Valley

Great Crested Grebes

Great Egret at Abberton

Greater Yellowlegs at Dunwich Pools

Grey Partridge 

Gull-billed Tern at Alton Waters

Hoopoe in Norfolk

House Sparrow in the garden during Lockdown

Iceland Gull at Newlyn in Cornwall

Lapland Bunting at Thornham point

Lesser-Yellowlegs at Cley

Mallards at Lee Valley CP

Masked Shrike in Kent

Nuthatch at Lynford

Radde's Warbler in Suffolk

Red-backed Shrike in Kent

Ring-necked Parakeet in the garden

Ring-necked Parakeet in Wanstead park

Robin in the garden

Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin at Stiffkey

Russian White-fronted Goose at Wanstead

The scrub Robin twitch

Sedge Warbler at Oare Marsh

Shore Lark in Kent

Short-eared Owl at Gunpowder Park in the Lee Valley CP

Short-eared Owl in the Lee Valley CP

Sparrowhawk on a kill in Loughton

Spotted Flycatcher in Kent

Sparrowhawk in the garden

Wheatear at Oare Marsh

Whinchat at Wanstead

Wilson's Phalarope at Keyhaven Marsh in Hampshire

Wilson's Phalarope

Wryneck at Burnham Overy

Not such a bad year with the camera after all.


  1. Some wonderful photos- a nice mix of the common place & the rare. Though I rarely comment I do always look at your posts & enjoy the photos. Wishing you a Happy New Year & hope we all get our freedom back in a few months time. First time as an adult I've not been able to go overseas to watch wildlife.

  2. Thanks for commenting again and yes it will be nice to get some travel options open to us again next year. I might even get on a plane myself when the times right.
