
Thursday 26 November 2020

It's all a blur

 Whilst watching the Short-eared Owls a couple of days ago I had an idea to try to catch the Parakeets as they went to roost but I had the idea that a slow shutter speed creating a blur might produce a nice image so I set about trying and produced this one below.

    I'm not sure what I think of it

I returned tonight after a day off from watching the Owls and found myself some safe space and waited. I got one fly over from the Owls and managed just the one shot.

Short-eared Owl

It's great to be able to watch these birds most nights and study their behaviour. They now roost apart and when they do come together they are very vocal and seem to be territorial. They are feeding differently spending much more time on the fringes of the main fields.

It has to be said that there is now a level of disturbance to be seen and please if you go stay on the footpaths and stay away from the roost even if somebody does share the location. Today saw one group surround the bird on a post and another large group of around thirty birders surround the bird on the ground in a full circle around it, both groups far too close to the bird and like the Xmas Covid rules, just because you can doesn't mean you should!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting shot of the Parakeets but I do love the owl. Have a good weekend, Diane
