
Friday 13 November 2020

Another walk with the Owls

 Couldn't help myself, just had to go for another walk with the local Owls and they didn't disappoint.

The birds left the roost site around 3.30pm again and again I chose to stay low on the main path away from the other guys up on the hill. This strategy has the downside that the valley is darker as it's shaded by the hill but I personally prefer the background lower down. In the hour of day light left the birds gave me three short views with the first really the only one with much warmth to the light but I still enjoyed watching them again.

I also added two LD2 ticks with Siskin and Redpoll in the two hours walking the park before the Owls became the centre of attention.

LD2 list now 67

How could you get tired of watching these cracking birds and it helps with the lockdown to be able to get out locally and see them most days. 


  1. How lucky can you get. Fab photos. Stay safe Diane

  2. Enjoyed your images Brian. Great to see you in action in Gunpowder Park earlier today. Great shots.

  3. Nice meeting you again today Pradeep, see you again soon no doubt.
