
Monday 24 August 2020

Dipped again

The last week saw me dip again, this time a wasted day in Norfolk where Mick Davis photographed an Eleonor's Falcon early one morning and only realising later when looking at the images it was actually not a Hobby but quite a rarity and in fact only the eight ever Eleonor's for Britain. The bird hasn't been seen since Mick's sighting and as before with this species it's thus far proved untwitchable but if it had returned to Winterton and I was sat at home I'd be kicking myself so needed to put myself in the frame to connect if was to return for a second day which it didn't and my recent run of poor twitch form continues.

So to put that memory behind me I spent yesterday morning on Wanstead Flats after the Jims informed me they had a couple of Whinchat. I managed to connect with the Whinchats but despite my best efforts they never really wanted their picture taken. A Wheatear was also seen on a couple of occasions along with Tree Pipit and Lesser Whitethroat of note. The Parakeets were particularly vocal and it was interesting looking back in old Essex Bird Reports to see these were a rare bird only twenty years ago with just the odd sighting in the county recording area (which includes the Flats). Always nice to bump into Nick for a chat and yes a request has been made for him to find a rare this autumn and he tells me this is going to be a Bunting year.

Note to self: I need to find a patch at some point and one I don't need to drive to would be even better.

Wheatear at Wanstead

Whinchat at Wanstead

Now where is that next 2020 bird coming from...did somebody say Black Tern?

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