
Sunday 16 August 2020

Birding Suffolk

My day started at Landguard as I'd imagined finding something good there and I didn't do too bad as I quickly found a Wheatear out on the point followed by a Common Redstart, Whinchat, Black Redstart, another two Wheatear and a Pied Flycatcher. Lot's of Linnet and Pied Wagtail made up the best of the rest.

Whinchat at Landguard
Wheatear at Landguard

With news of the Red-backed Shrike still showing at Southwold I jumped back in the car and drove another half an hour up the A12 parking up and walking out onto the golf course. Within a few minutes I'd added my second year tick of the day when the Shrike sat up briefly before flying across the green and out view. I searched for the bird while the other guys waited and found it down by the tennis courts and managed a couple of reasonable images before losing it again. Here I also had at least four Lesser Whitethroats and a few Common Whitethroats with the Lessers looking really sharp.

Red-backed Shrike at Southwold
Red-backed Shrike

With news coming in of Greenish Warblers in Norfolk it was hard not to continue north but I resisted and headed south towards home stopping at Alton Waters where I quickly found my second Gull-billed Tern of the year (and ever). The Tern sat on the railing just shielded by a Black-headed Gull before taking flight. I continued to watch the bird for a couple of hours before heading home as the rain arrived.

Alton Water
Gull-billed Tern
Gull-billed Tern at Alton Water

A cracking day in Suffolk delivered some real quality birds and two year ticks bringing 

the year list to 246

Common Terns
Lesser Whitethroats
Common Tern

I'm still looking for my first Wood Sandpiper and Black Tern of the year and I'm hoping for a Wryneck in the next few days to keep the year list ticking over.

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