
Saturday 13 June 2020

Catching up at Abberton

Having missed a few migrants during the long period of intense lockdown I decided to try to catch up a bit if I could whilst still maintaining some self discipline and a level of control over my actions as I continue to run mini risk assessments every time I leave the house.

Abberton looking beautiful in the early morning light
Today I kept the birding to my home county of Essex with a morning at Abberton where the reserve is still closed as is access to the farm but the two causeways are open and the screen that overlooks Wigborough bay is also accessible. I didn't have to worry about other people as the place was very quiet and being closed to the public helped.

I spent the morning scanning from outside the screen at Wigborough and the causeways and also spent some time at Abberton Church scanning with the sun behind me which was a little easier and for my trouble I picked up three year ticks with Garganey, Yellow Wagtail and Little-ringed Plover all firsts for the year. Other highlights included Cuckoo and Marsh Harrier but little else of note although the number of Egyptian Geese was a little unexpected.

Year list now 212
I think I'll do well to reach 250 in this climate but time will tell.

Little-ringed Plover

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