
Wednesday 20 May 2020

At last a walk with the Jims

This morning I arranged to meet the Jims at Lee Valley for a socially distant walk. Those that know us will know we're usually out as a threesome two or three times a week so it's been difficult not seeing each other since 9th March. With the recent small relaxation of the lockdown terms we are now able to meet outside as long as we stay a couple of metres apart so we had a good walk around seventy acre lake today. I found a Garden Warbler for them and we walked around the lake to get them Reed Warbler for a year tick. We all managed brief views of a Lesser Whitethroat but failed again to find any Nightingales, Hobby or Willow Warblers.

The year list nudged up to 199 despite the ten weeks I've had in lockdown.

I did find a Great Crested Grebe carrying three chicks and managed to grab a few shots.

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