
Wednesday 8 April 2020

Two additions to the lockdown list

I took an early morning walk today, same route as usual down to the motorway and back but a bit earlier than usual with the benefit that I saw nobody else on the whole walk.

I picked up a lockdown tick when a Jay flew out in front of me at the railway bridge and then found the Kingfisher on exactly the same branch as yesterday. Six Stock Dove came next and lots of Chiffchaff. As I walked back I had a second encounter with a Jay before hearing Blackcap calling. I stood still for a while and sure enough a smart male Blackcap came out and burst into fall song at the top of a bush.

Back in the garden I had a fly over Little Egret and a very low Red Kite.

In additon to the birds I've had a Fox and a small unidentified bat in the garden and my lockdown butterfly count includes Peacock, Orange Tip, Small Tortoiseshell, Small and Large White, Comma and Brimstone and they give me a little added interest on the walk for as long as we're allowed a walk.

On another note I enjoyed the big moon last night with nice views of Venus too in the clear sky.

Lockdown list now 46

The big moon

A closer look

Not so pink and not so easy to get a shot of it as it was so bright

The Moon
One of todays Red Kites over the garden....not seen in thirty years living here but this year I'm seeing them every day.

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