
Saturday 29 February 2020

The "easy" targets

Here's one of those thinking out loud posts again............

So I've made a decent start without trying too hard and sit on my best February total of 183 and now have March in sight where my best total is 192 so just nine to find to chase down my best total again and with the current British year list sitting at c263 with the Sand Martin reported from Cotswold Water Park this week I've obviously missed a few.

Dartford Warbler 
But the good news is I have some relatively easy birds to look forward to finding like.......

Golden Pheasant
Jack Snipe
Little Gull
Dartford Warbler
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker
Lesser Redpoll

Which I should hopefully manage to find in March

Then there's the traditional March new arrivals to look forward to.....

Stone Curlew
House Martin
Sand Martin
Sandwich Tern
and maybe even an early Osprey

And then of course there has to be the chance of a road trip.....Scotland would for sure deliver a dozen or more ticks if I can get the motivation for the drive and lastly there is the TWITCH with candidates further afield that at this stage have left me uninterested maybe because of time, distance and expense or maybe because I have a realistic chance of seeing most of them closer to home later in the year???

One of these would be nice
Oh and of course there's those unexpected new arrivals.....and there my friends lies the excitement in this crazy hobby we share.

NB: Previous March rarities to find my year lists have included

Lesser Yellowlegs
Snowy Owl
Red Flanked Bluetail
Little Bunting
Pallid Harrier
Alpine Swift
American Coot
Chinese Pond Heron
Kentish Plover
Lesser Scaup
Common Yellowthroat
Red-breasted Goose
Paddyfield Warbler
Rose coloured Starling

so I'm full of hope for a birding good March (and just maybe the rain will stop)
A repeat of March 2018 would be most welcomed

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