
Monday 3 February 2020

Med Gull on the way to Wallasea

I again headed down to Wallasea today hoping to see the male Hen Harrier reported yesterday but I also stopped on the way to see the Med Gulls at Southend. On the beach by Olivers I had three birds one had a leg missing and the other two were ringed in France (white with black four digit). I enjoyed the gulls on the beach for a while then drove over to Wallasea where thankfully I did manage to see the male Hen Harrier but it was gone in a flash and didn't return although the ringtails did also show later on along the far edge with a pair of Marsh Harriers. Two Great Egrets were on the pools and they are much more visible now that the reeds have been cut back. At least three Short-eared Owls came out to play at about 2pm until the rain fell and they all vanished.

Short-eared Owl at Wallasea
A very vocal interaction
Fabulous ......just fabulous birds to watch
The male Hen Harrier....almost missed it as it flew past
Stonechat at Wallasea
Med Gull at Southend
Med Gull
One of the French birds
Poor old stumpy
A young Herring gull

A good days birding in Essex close to home and I even managed another year tick too.

Year list now 172

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