
Saturday 8 February 2020

Hoopoe in Hampshire

We watched the news all week of the Hampshire Hoopoe hoping it'd stick for the weekend and with reports coming in all day yesterday of its continued presence we set off early this morning for the hundred mile drive and arrived just before 8am at the paddock opposite Fawley trailers. The bird had not yet arrived but after 45 minutes it dropped in to the middle of the paddock but was uncomfortable with the guy tending the horses and quickly departed. We relocated it on a grassy path as we walked to the next paddock but it again took flight and was then seen in the fields to the south. We decided to wait it out at the first paddock and it proved a good call as the bird came flying back in and then spent over an hour feeding in the middle of the paddock giving some great scope views if a little distant for the camera. We did get a bonus year tick here with three Woodlarks singing and displaying as we waited for the star attraction.

Quite distant but well watched by around thirty birders this morning
The bird's in the middle of this paddock
Following this success we headed over to Keyhaven where we watched Golden Plover, Lapwings, Ruff and Snipe to name a few. A Peregrine took a plover for lunch while we watched and the lagoons had lots of Brent Geese, Wigeon, Shelduck and Pintail on them but as far as year ticks go we just collected the one with a single Spoonbill.

Year list now 175



  1. We get them quite often here in our garden in France but in the UK!!! Have a good week, Diane

  2. Hi Diane, It's thought that this one has been here all winter and I guess with climate changes we'll see more of these in the UK over the coming years.
