
Saturday 11 January 2020

Lynford Arboretum

Arriving at Lynford Arboretum at 7.45am this morning we walked down to the paddocks with birds being very quiet and hard to find but that was to change as we arrived at the bridge with a Great Spotted Woodpecker several Marsh Tits and Coal Tits feeding on the provided seed. Then a party of Long-Tailed Tits and a large flock of Siskin before a couple of Nuthatch

Nuthatch at Lynford

Scanning the paddock we find several Redwing and a pair of Mistle Thrush before our first of five sightings of Hawfinch. A Buzzard flew across the Paddock as we walked around to the rear where we found more Nuthatch, Marsh Tit, Coal Tits and a Treecreeper for our trouble. Jim spotted a female Bullfinch but it moved away before I could find it. Back at the feeding station we added an unexpected Yellowhammer before setting off to tour the area for some more birding. We picked up none of the other local targets but did get lucky when a Goshawk was seen flying low across the tree tops as we scanned several displaying Buzzard. My previous earliest Goshawk was 11th February so this was an unexpected bonus. 

Year list now 141 

The Forest walk

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