
Saturday 16 November 2019

A ticking day off at Wallasea

I took a day out from chasing year ticks today and spent the afternoon birding at Wallasea Island in Essex. I had at least five Short-eared Owls hunting the marsh and all seemed very territorial as they chased away anything coming into their path.

I saw two Hen Harriers but could have been the same bird twice at different ends of the reserve. Both ringtails but always great to watch. Several Marsh Harriers,  a Common Buzzard, a few Kestrels and a probable very distant Merlin added to the spectacle. Out on the marsh with the many Grey Herons and Little Egret were two Great Egrets which I think are my first at Wallasea.

Never a dull moment when you're in the company of Hen Harriers and SEO's. This was my first visit to Wallasea this autumn but I hope to return for more of the same soon.

Year list still 298

Short-eared Owl at Wallasea

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