
Saturday 9 November 2019

295 after a decent day at Spurn

Yesterday saw Spurn reporting Bluethroat, Dusky Warbler, Pallas's Warbler and Hume's Leaf Warbler so it had to be our choice of destination today. We arrived around 8.30am and started with a search of the pub car park where the Pallas's Warbler had been reported and within minutes we found the little gem as it fluttered around doing a circuit of the bushes bordering the car park.

The Pallas's warbler that gave the Jims another year tick
We then walked the canal path to the Warren and picked up a year tick when a Lapland Bunting was first heard then seen feeding on the shore line keeping company with good numbers of Yellowhammer, Reed Bunting and at least one Twite.

One of several Yellowhammers present
Our next target was to look for the Bluethroat that's been entertaining the locals for over a week.
Unfortunately despite a good search we couldn't find the target but did get a nice consolation with a very confiding Snow Bunting and a very close fly over Woodcock.

Snow Bunting
Snow Bunting
Snow Bunting
Snow Bunting
Snow Bunting 
The Dusky Warbler was another no show but we did find the Hume's Leaf Warbler feeding in bushes along Peters Lane Easington and it showed well through the scope but was a bit distant for the camera. The bird was heard to call a few times before flying further down the lane when the householder pulled up on his drive and entered the garden.

A cracking days birding ended with a Merlin chasing a Skylark above us and the year list has ticked over again and now stands at 295 and leaves me just five to find by the year end for that 300 goal I've set myself.

The Dunwich Wagtail looks to finally have been confirmed as Eastern on call so I'm now hoping it'll wait for me to connect with it in the next couple of days.

Year list now 295

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