
Tuesday 6 August 2019

A first visit to Wells north pools

We headed up to Norfolk today picking up the Pectoral Sandpiper at Cley for a year tick, we also had  numerous Common, Green and Wood Sandpiper along with the usual suspects before heading west to the new pools at Wells.

We parked up at the small car park provided for access to the North pools and walked down the footpath between the pools. This is an impressive place and I'm confident it'll bring some very good birding this autumn/winter.
On arrival we found nine Spoonbill, a dozen or more Wood Sandpipers plus more Common and Green Sandpipers. A couple of Greenshank added to the totals along with a couple of Marsh Harriers and an array of other waders and Geese.

Wells north pools
Wells north pools
Wood Sandpiper
After enjoying the reserve for a couple of hours we headed further west to Titchwell were we again found good quantity and variety on offer. Nineteen Spoonbill and a single Curlew Sandpiper along with all the other waders on offer made it a special visit where we again saw Wood/Green and Common Sandpipers which underlines the massive full Norfolk has seen over the last few days.

Juvenile Spoonbill at Titchwell
On the way home we stopped to admire the Stone Curlews at Cavenham and found a single Wheatear here too to round of a very good days birding.

Year list now 270 

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