
Sunday 21 July 2019

Back to Titchwell for a second go

We decided last night that it would be worth another go for the Semi-palmated Sandpiper at Titchwell and as we pulled into the car park around 7.30am news came through that the bird had indeed been seen. By the time we got the first hide the news had been corrected as a Common Sandpiper. Not one to throw stones so I cracked on scanning the enormous amount of birds on freshmarsh first finding a Curlew Sandpiper for a year tick then a Common Sandpiper, several Spotted Redshank and nine Spoonbill the best of the rest.

The Semi-p is in this crowd 
We moved around to Parinder hide where the light was kinder and began scanning again but had no joy until all the Dunlin got up and resettled which gave away the Semi-P which could now be seen among the Blackwits. Had it been there all the time? was it sleeping in the rocks? had it just dropped in? Not sure but it was at the end of my scope and gave another year tick. We sat in the hide for a few hours enjoying the company of Gordon Hamlett who's guide to birding Scotland has delivered me plenty of birds and some lovely locations so a hand shake was in order.

Dodgy phonescope of the semi-p

Around noon we set off for Breydon Water in Yarmouth about an hours drive away in search of the Pacific Golden Plover. We parked up in the rugby club car park and began the long walk out to the pumping station. The walk took about 40 minutes at a stiff pace. We scanned the paddock on the advise of a couple of guys still on the bird and very quickly had the target in the bag sitting among the horse poo with a couple of Euro Golden Plovers.

We walked back a little slower but satisfied with the three ticks for the day which in July is a great count.

Pacific Golden Plover
Year list now 269

Oh and on the way out at Breydon we found a Swallowtail Butterfly which was a nice surprise especially for Jim who'd never seen one before.

Swallowtail at Breydon Water


  1. I don't think I have ever seen so many birds in one sighting! Have a good week, Cheers Diane

  2. Thanks Diane, and the image is just a snapshot, there were many more birds there....made finding the tiny little sandpiper all the more interesting.
