
Sunday 2 June 2019

Getting the Jims a lifer

I drove the Jims to Dunwich this morning and we very quickly found the Iberian Chiffchaff down by the Centenary pond to give them a much wanted life tick. In the bushes by the pond we also found Dartford Warbler, Whitethroat, Garden Warblers and a Chiffchaff along with the target which gave good bursts of its Iberian song to help us find it several times.

Iberian Chiffchaff at Dunwich
We had a quick look at a few more Dartford Warblers on the heath before driving around to Minsmere where we found a good variety of expected birds and a bonus Grasshopper Warbler but no sign of the hoped for Little Stint. On the way home we tried for the Broad-billed Sandpiper at Orford but with the tide in we had little chance of finding it. It was later reported on the airfield before returning to the exact spot we'd visited at lunchtime so we may end up giving this little guy another go.

Year list still 257


Stand off

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