
Sunday 30 June 2019

End of June update

So June is nearly done and I'm sitting in a decent place with 264 on the year list up seven on the previous best result. I've bagged five lifers so far this year with White-winged Scoter, Ortolan Bunting, Whiskered Tern, Black-headed Bunting and Little Bustard all finally making the list.

I'm still chasing my best ever year of 286 with a desire to hit 300 for once.
July is traditionally a quiet month for new birds but should see a few early returners like Little Stint and Curlew Sandpiper along with a few more vagrants.

for example.......

2018 saw me get just three July ticks. Honey Buzzard, Red-necked Phalarope and Curlew Sandpiper
2017 saw just five ticks with Bee Eater the highlight
2016 saw just three ticks including Common Rosefinch and Sabine's Gull
2015 saw three again with Icterine Warbler and Ring-billed Gull included
2014 saw six ticks including Collared Pratincole and Great Knot
2013 saw nine ticks in what was to be my best year list total of 286 
The nine ticks included Caspian Tern, Baird's Sandpiper, Pectoral Sandpiper, Two-barred Crossbill and Pacific Golden Plover

So you can see whilst numbers are generally low the quality can be very high and with my best ever end of July total being 265 I don't have much to do to better that and so a sensible target of 270 by the end of July will see me maintaining my best year challenge.

Onwards and upwards.

Year list now 264
BOU Life list now 404 

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