
Wednesday 24 April 2019

Ortolan Bunting at Abberton

I got home from Scotland last night to find that one of my bogey birds had been seen in Abberton in Essex for the last couple of days so I set off early this morning and had luck on my side as on arrival the Ortolan Bunting was feeding happily on the barn roof in the company of two Yellow Wagtails and a Channel Wagtail to give me bird 401 on my life list and a tick I've wanted for along time now.

The bird showed really well on the shady side of the pitched roof making photography a little challenging but I wasn't complaining. I watched the bird for a couple of hours and picked up a third tick here with Common Whitethroat sitting on the wires singing and fluttering up and back down as they do.

At the reserve I picked up my fourth tick of the day with two Nightingale singing from the old road just by the bollards stopping entry and asking you to use the main car park.

So a very happy journey which made the landmark 400 for me.
I have a Cackling Goose on the list that I don't think has been accepted so the 401 I've listed is a safe 400 in my mind.

Year list now 227 Life list now 400 (401 if I continue to count the cackling Goose)

Ortolan Bunting at Abberton
Ortolan Bunting
Channel Wagtail

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