
Sunday 21 April 2019

Could have gone looking for Caper and Crossbills

I could easily have gone looking for Capercaillie and Scottish Crossbill this morning after a couple of tip offs yesterday but instead I opted for the two mile drive down to Glen Strathfarrar again and I wasn't disappointed.

Glen Strathfarrar
I had at least four different sightings of Golden Eagle (probably only two birds) with one bird coming quite low which got me rushing from the scope to the camera. I also had eight Whooper Swans, a Merlin, Common Buzzard a calling male Tawny Owl and my first Cuckoo of the year. Add good views of Goosander, Dipper, Greenshank, Common Sandpipers and Raven and it made the trip justified. The fields are alive with Wheatear and Meadow Pipit and both Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler are present in numbers. The trees are buzzing with the call of Lesser Redpoll and Chaffinch whilst both Song and Mistle Thrush are also present in healthy numbers. Every field holds a pair of Oystercatcher and the odd Lapwing whilst the hills have a good population of both Red Deer and Mountain Goat.

A splendid place which I would be happy to return to sooner rather than later.

Year list now 219

Golden Eagle
Golden Eagle 
Willow Warbler
Whooper Swans
Common Sandpiper
Lesser Redpoll
Red Deer
Mountain Goat

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