
Friday 5 April 2019

Chasing my best year

So my best year list was 286 in 2013 and the best April total was back in 2016 when I managed 217 birds so that's my goal for the end of April this year.

The birds currently missing from this year from that 2016 list are...


Sedge Warbler and Redstart

So 33 birds missing.
Some are givens some will need a trip to the Highlands and some will remain out of reach but to find all of these would give an April total of 226  so onwards and upwards and let's see what April brings with it.

One thing is for sure.....I'll be enjoying the experience whatever the end result.

Black Duck at Strontian....just one of the missing birds
ps...Five days in and I haven't managed to add a single bird yet although if I'm honest I haven't tried too hard.

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