
Saturday 9 March 2019

Rough legged Buzzard at Elmley

After a disappointing morning at Dunge where the four Cattle Egret were the only highlight we headed off for an afternoon at Elmley and grabbed a year tick with a very distant Spoonbill before jamming onto a Rough-legged Buzzard on our way out of the reserve. We spent a couple of hours watching the bird with a supporting cast of Marsh Harriers, Common Buzzard and a Peregrine.
Another great afternoon at this wonderful reserve which I'm happy to support.

Year list now 182

Rough legged and Common Buzzard with Marsh Harrier

Distant and cropped but what a bird...bossed the place today.
Rough legged Buzzard at Elmley NNR
Rough legged Buzzard at Elmley NNR
Spoonbill...possibly the worse record shot ever 
Rough legged Buzzard at Elmley

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