
Tuesday 5 February 2019

Long-billed Dowitcher at Frampton Marsh RSPB

We headed north today hoping to see the long staying Long-billed Dowitcher at Frampton Marsh RSPB with a plan to drop in at Deeping Lakes on the way.

As we arrived at Deeping the fog rolled in and visibility was just a few yards so we had to wait a couple of hours until the island came into view from the hide. We filled the time by watching numerous Goldeneye and Goosander on the main lake. A female Bullfinch gave us year tick and then as the island came into view we managed to scope and reveal at least three Long-eared Owls one of which was sat out quite clearly whilst the others remained quite deep in cover.

Atleast three LEO's in this shot but not easy to find
We left Deeping and continued north to Frampton. On arrival at the the far car park we found LRGE had the Dowitcher in view which saved us a lot of time trying to locate the bird. It transpired that the bird had only just dropped in so we really got lucky with it. It was still very Foggy but we managed a couple of shots all the same as the bird was quite close.
Water Pipits showed well as did large numbers of Ruff and probably the largest group of Pintail I've ever seen.

Long-billed Dowitcher at Frampton Marsh RSPB
Ruff (note the irregular plural)
On the drive back down the A1 just after Peterborough a gathering of upwards of seventy Red Kite was an unexpected site to finish a decent days birding.

Year list now 156

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