
Saturday 2 February 2019

Great Grey Shrike at Santon Downham

The old fella drove us to Santon Downham this morning and we arrived around 8.30am. We parked in the car park by the railway and walked down to the underpass to find the Willows that the bird had been seen in yesterday. We needed to walk further along the path and look back at the Willows before we found the target bird sitting on top of a Hawthorn in among the Willows. The bird remained distant but gave excellent scope views.

The snow started to fall so we headed back to the car park picking up Kingfisher and Brambling on our way.

Santon Downham

On the way home we dropped in to Lakenheath with our reward for a four mile walk just a single Bittern and Water Rail, a couple of Marsh Harriers and a large herd of Whooper Swan.

Year list now 153

Great Grey Shrike at Santon Downham


  1. Looks very cold to me!! Have a good day, Diane

  2. yes it was pretty cold Diane especially with the wind chill factor.
