
Sunday 13 January 2019

Wallasea Hen Harriers

After bagging a single tick last Sunday with the Bittern at Amwell I wanted another outing today and after looking at the weather which promised a little light at Wallasea where as the rest of the country seemed to be forecasting dark cloud I jumped in the car and headed down the A127.

On arrival I was surprised to find a gate blocking my entry to the track which didn't open until 8am which was OK on this occasion but in the spring I'd usually arrive much earlier so like Rainham and Elmley before it seems that no thought has been given to anybody wanting to make the most of the golden hour for photography.

It was not bright as forecast and with the wind blowing it was pretty cold especially from the sea wall but my reward for the trip was two Hen Harriers and singles of Marsh Harrier, Merlin, Sparrowhawk and Common Buzzard but any Owls present stayed down out of the wind. The flooded fields held lot's of Golden Plover, Lapwing, Shelduck and Mute Swans along with a few Curlew, Dunlin and Redshank. Corn Bunting remain present in good numbers.

A couple of Med Gulls added to the year list on a brief scan by the pier at Southend and a stop off on the way home at Bowers Marsh gave a further tick in the form of two White-fronted Geese  although the pedigree could be questioned but it was nice to see them with the Canada Geese to establish the size difference.

Year list now 140


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