
Sunday 27 January 2019

Ring Necked Duck at New Hythe

Thanks to the old fella driving and Jim navigating today I found myself ticking Red-necked Grebe at Cliffe although the bird was by no means an easy tick. A long walk and a lot of scanning eventually gave brief scope views along with better views of at least four Black-necked Grebes.

We retraced our steps and drove around to the Black Barn where I picked up two Avocet in flight for a second year tick.

The Jims agreed on dropping in at New Hythe where they'd already had the RND but this time we parked up much closer than their last trip and a short walk saw me connect with the Ring-necked Duck although it was at the far north end of the lake.

So three hard earned year ticks with a good stretch of the legs.

Year list now 150

The Ring necked Duck is in the above pic....good luck
Little Egret at Cliffe

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