
Wednesday 26 December 2018

Review of the year 2018

2018 saw my youngest get married with family visiting from the states and Australia which kept us busy and was a great catch up. My eldest had a baby my first grandchild and what a treasure little George is. Birding has suffered a bit as we try to help the new parents through the first months of parenthood but it's still been a good year.

I have picked up a few lifers with the Ross's Gull at Radipole in February being the first of the year followed by the two in April being the American Bittern and the Green Heron. I then had to wait until October to bag my next lifer but the Wanstead Rustic Bunting was quickly followed by Grey Catbird and Stegneger's Stonechat. A November week in Norfolk landed me in the right place to bag a Pallid Swift and I also have the Dungeness American Black Tern (if they split it),  Some memorable twitches among this lot from a trip to Lands End to an MP's garden in Wales.

The life list stands at 399 with a still pending Cackling Goose and an American Lark waiting in the wings too so 2019 should see me break that 400 mark which will be good.

There's been some good trips but sadly no real birding holidays.
The best bird was probably the Pom Skua in Cleveland and the best twitch had to be the Catbird.

The year list was not so memorable with just 253 seen despite my best ever day one count. I put this down to the birth of my grandson George and an excessive commitment to work which I plan to address in 2019.

Here's to a better total in 2019 and a few images to reflect the year just gone.

The Pom
Wild Boar
Bittern at Dunge
Cattle Egret at Elmley
Swallow at Minsmere
Cuckoo at Thursley
Arctic Redpoll
Green Heron
Penduline Tit
Snowy Owl at Snettisham
Spotted Sandpiper
And George!
Footnote..year list finished on 254 with the Waxwings in Norwich on 31st December.
Better late than never.


  1. Very good page, Stick to the great work. Regards.

  2. Lovely set of photos but the snowy owl is my favourite. Hope you had a good Christmas, Diane

  3. Yes we've had a lovely Christmas Diane, seasons greetings to you too and thanks for taking some time to read and comment.
