
Sunday 26 August 2018

Stilt Sandpiper at Frampton Marsh

I drove up to Frampton in the early hours this morning to see my second Stilt Sandpiper and in the hope that it might show for me as well as it has been this week for others.

On arrival I walked towards East Hide where the bird has been seen most but stopped on route to scan the Godwits on the main pool finding to my surprise that the Sandpiper was among them.
It showed rather distantly between the Godwits legs and occasionally popped out in the open.

I took a distant record shot and walked the reserve finding nothing else of real note so returned for a second fix of the Stilt Sandpiper. It took flight on a couple of occasions but returned to the same distant spot where it gave good scope views but challenged my 400mm lens.

year list now 230

Stilt Sandpiper

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