
Sunday 19 August 2018

Slowly ticking over

The year list continues to drag itself along.

A shopping trip to Faversham Market on Saturday gave me a brief window to scan Oare Marsh where I found a single Little Stint for the first of the weekends year firsts. Also on the marsh was singles of Curlew and Green Sandpiper. A Wryneck was reported but not seen by me on my very short visit.

Sunday saw me making the trip to Rutland for the Birdfair where I obviously scored a year tick with no fewer than five Osprey sightings whilst at the optics stand. A Wood Sandpiper was the only other bird of note although a Grasshopper in the hand at the ringing demo was a welcome surprise.

So the year list moves to just 227 but I live in hope of an action packed Autumn where I can catch a few I missed on the way up.

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